
What Will Be The Next Trend In Decorating

At that place's something well-nigh carpet trends, with their cozy-chic, plush underfoot feeling, that wood but can't impart. And, while wooden floor isn't going anywhere, carpet is making a comeback in a large – and very fashionable – style. Looking into carpeting trends 2022, it seems we will be expressing our creativity in bold, imaginative and innovative fashion.

'Carpet is a fantastic fashion of introducing color or pattern into the home,' says creative designer at Brintons, Jodie Hatton. 'The floor is no longer an afterthought. The entire room can exist styled working from the floor upwardly.'

Some carpet trends are timelessly elegant – others require bravery, just volition create an indulgent finish that's pure luxury.

From mixing bright and bold contrasting colors to fiery red tones, geometrics and intricate patterns, our 2022 carpet trend come across cocky-expression as primal. At the other end of the scale, the earthy, organic natural trend is set to endure throughout next year, bringing a calming landscape into our interior design schemes.

1. Patterned carpets are making a comeback

Carpet trends with patterned rug

(Prototype credit: Future)

Until recently, carpets and rugs tended to exist plain, neutral and for the bedroom only, but patterned carpets are now coming back into favor, and moving into the living room and dining room, too. In the right easily, patterned carpeting designs are alike to introducing a work of art into a room and setting a stiff design tone. Think of the floor as the room's main canvas, says Lorna Haigh of Alternative Flooring.

Lisa Conway of Brintons agrees: 'We believe that a design scheme should kickoff from the floor up, with the carpet being the basis for all the design choices,' she says. 'Pattern and color have been brought to the forefront to create a argument.'

A heavily patterned blueprint is a assuming decision, only if y'all dear it, go for information technology, recommends Lisa. 'It will withstand room renovations for years to come because you can option out dissimilar colors and design details to comport through to the wider scheme.'

2. Use a bold carpet in small-scale rooms

bedroom trends with art

(Image credit: Kate Guinness)

2022 will be the twelvemonth of colour and creativity, so it is no surprise that a plethora of patterns will enter the pattern relm, but that is not to say that you lot can't apply them in tiny homes.

Patterned carpets work well in smaller spaces – perfect for your bedchamber carpet ideas. Where a busy pattern on a wall might be overwhelming, introducing a pattern on the flooring with a patterned rug or carpet tin add together interest without taking over the space.

'We often use boldly patterned or brightly colored carpets in pocket-size rooms or forgotten back stairs – they liven themselves up when you lot introduce something unexpected and stiff,' says interior designer Adam Bray.

Carpet trend with patterned tile carpet

(Prototype credit: Paul Raeside)

In the past, patterned carpets were thought to exist the preserve of pubs and hotels, favored for their ability to absorb stains and spillages rather than being a cardinal design particular. These days, new designs are raising the game of wall-to-wall patterned carpets – witness these astonishing carpet tiles from Bolon at Flooring Concepts.

Designers are adept at creating carpets tiles and shapes that are alike to pieces of abstruse art for the floor, so if you desire the floor to exist the room's main canvass, these make a strong argument. Pull back on other decorative details if going down this route – interlocking patterns, Bridget Riley-esque stripes or edgy abstruse graphics can hold a room on their own.

iv. Await beyond the walls when it comes to color

Small entryway ideas with colorful features

(Paradigm credit: Alexander James / Studio Peake)

'Color in a carpet or rug lifts a scheme from the floor up, which is a room'due south principal sail,' says Lorna Haigh of Alternative Flooring.

'Soft duck egg blue is always pop, simply we're seeing more than teals and blacks existence used with popping accents.' Hallway carpet ideas offering an opportunity to exist adventurous. 'People desire to create an impact hither, so vivid hues, such equally pinkish and lime dark-green, and strong patterns are a large office of our collections,' says Andy Guard of Roger Oates Design.

five. Lay downwardly smart stripes

Carpet trend striped rug

(Image credit: Future)

A smart stripe – whether wide or narrow – is a classic pattern that will visually elongate and widen a room, simply as floorboards practise. Striped flooring coverings began to exist introduced into homes virtually ten years ago in a rather tentative fashion when the first collections arrived on the market.

Appreciated for their dirt-defying nature, stripes were initially confined to loftier-traffic areas, such as stairs, but their appeal is at present spreading. Taking inspiration from the material world where stripes are everywhere, flooring has at present caught up and offers a far greater choice of designs than e'er before.

Staircase carpet ideas featuring stripes make a design statement equally soon as you enter a house, simply it needn't exist limited to this area. More people are finding the confidence to play with different breadths and scales throughout the house, from wide to ticking and pencil stripes.

Wall-to-wall broad stripes work well for living room carpet ideas and people are much more willing to experiment with latitude and scale. You can layer elements on top to soften the look, while all the same maintaining a bright and colorful feel to the space.

6. Create a sense of at-home with a neutral option

Living room with cream woven carpet and pink chairs

(Image credit: Robert Sanderson / Future)

If you admire minimalism you lot will be pleased to know that decorating with neutrals are very much here to stay.

Choosing a rug in a classic base note will bring a sense of calm to your living room ideas. A neutral shade is a wise investment too, as its versatility and longevity add value to your property. It volition besides make co-ordinating the floor in different rooms a cakewalk – with a neutral palette, everything goes – enabling you to combine plains and subtle patterns, while keeping a consistent flow throughout the business firm.

7. Warm upward with a pink and red color scheme

Carpet trends 2022 with pink rug

(Paradigm credit: Future)

Sensuous shades, from spicy chilli through to lush berry tones, volition brand a bold merely beautiful argument in your home. A high-footfall area, such equally a hallway or living room, is the ideal identify to introduce a archetype pattern, equally it tin can aid to disguise the effects of everyday wear. Choose hall and living room furniture with elegant lines and keep the rest of the scheme simple, so the floor provides all the touch on.

Is carpet coming dorsum in style for 2022?

Rug is making a welcome comeback for 2022. Whichever room you lot are decorating, it'south worth making a fuss of the floor. In a living room, we recommend a statement carpet or rug. Not simply will it ground the room simply it can serve as the starting point from which to build the scheme. It'south a worthwhile investment, and your feet will cheers come up winter.

'Fitted rug gives a feeling of luxury; a pocket-sized repeat pattern tin can footing a room and add interest without taking over, while bolder ones will add dimension and focus,' says Kit Kemp, design director, Firmdale Hotels.

How to choose carpet

Jodie Hatton, Residential Designer at Brintons advises: 'It'southward key to have the intended use of the room at the forefront of your mind when choosing carpet. What kind of experience practise yous want to create? How will the room exist used? Is the space a reception area where you want to make a statement? Or a room yous desire to use as a retreat creating a calming and relaxed experience? Having that conclusion at the forefront of your heed as you choose your carpet will help to guide you towards the perfect choice for your infinite.'

Which carpet is best for which room?

'Bolder argument patterns always tend to lend themselves well to hallways, stairs and landing spaces equally these tend to be high traffic areas. Every bit these areas aren't "lived in" every bit such they also lend themselves to creating more of a design statement, as there is a limited amount of infinite for furniture,' continues Jodie Hatton.

'The feel of a room is important and a very personal choice, as a successful interiors scheme will reflect elements of our personality. Some volition want a calming, relaxing sleeping accommodation to retreat to whilst others may want to opt for more of a boudoir feel. Carpets to consider for a relaxing room would be a neutral plain. Nevertheless, for ultimate luxury and a costly experience – take a wait at a velvet selection.'

Jennifer Ebert

Jennifer is the Digital Editor at Homes & Gardens. Having worked in the interiors industry for a number of years, spanning many publications, she now hones her digital prowess on the 'best interiors website' in the world. Multi-skilled, Jennifer has worked in PR and marketing, and the occasional fiddle in the social media, commercial and e-commerce space. Over the years, she has written most every area of the dwelling house, from compiling blueprint houses from some of the best interior designers in the world to sourcing celebrity homes, reviewing appliances and even the odd news story or 2.


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